Monday, July 14, 2014

Lost but now Found

Hello Cake Lovers,

So I've been gone for some time now, I haven't blogged any new goodies that I've made lately and I apologize for this. Work has taken over and I haven't been able to really log on and show some cake work. Especially for pinterest, I don't think I've actually posted some of the pictures I've shown on this blog.

But I will try to post as much as I can from now on especially since fall is coming and that means a lot of more goodies to be posted. October is a big one! I'm such a huge Halloween person.I am 100% stoked about that month for all the spooky Cake, Cookies, Cupcakes, and Cake. And after October its even better with fall flavors for November and Christmas Flavors for the winter! How exciting. August through December are the best month for a baker. For me, anyway haha. I also have orders those months, so I will be working on my own goodies to post on my social media to show what I can do, and what can be ordered, I will also post the special cake, cupcake, cookies, cupcake orders that have been made.

Coming Soon:
Cake through mail! Yes, you read that right. I will do some experiments with a few family members that I have out of state and send them some Cake in a Jar and have them tell me how clean and fresh it arrived to them. I've researched so many tips on this and I'm sure with the right stuff, this will be done right.

New Logo? Yes, I have changed it AGAIN! I can not help that I'm not 100% happy with the logos I've been having. The one actually posted on this blog from a few months ago, isn't the logo I've been using at all. The new one I have I do kind of like, but I need something more to it. I want a WOW kind of factor to the label. Something that no one would have thought of. But here is the logo I've been using
not that bad right?  I like it, but not sure if I'm 100% with it.
Recipes, I've not been able to post any recipes lately. And I will fix that and post some new yummys.
Well tah-tah for now
( I will post the pictures of what I've done lately after this)
Baking's Sweet
By Joelyn

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