Thursday, March 13, 2014

Searching For A New Logo

Updates on CAKE.

 Looking for new logos. More like trying to create it. I've been working on a logo and have so many options on what to choose. Though they are all simple, it makes it harder to choose because I know that I need that WOW kind of factor. But I'm a simple kind of gal and I don't think that it needs to be exciting, I want it to resemble me in a way. No I'm not simple and boring but I'm relaxing and don't like to be out there being "Cray- Cray" like twenty year olds are now and days. Plus, I'm cake decorator, what cake decorator is boring? what artist is boring? haha.
Well until sometime this month, I'll let you know on the new CAKE logo and also I'm going to try my best to be on here more, keep posting new "How-to", more of my creations and more recipes. I know  a lot people like to know how to do stuff, I will keep y'all updated :)
Baking's Sweet
By Joelyn

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